Feeling Exam Stress?

Want some tips to help you get through it?

It’s that time of the year again, and no, we don’t mean Christmas… it’s Exam season!

Exam pressure is real, and it can be an extremely stressful and overwhelming time for many. But, it doesn’t have to be. By preparing mentally, emotionally and physically, you can overcome Exam stress. Here’s how:

Prepare Physically:

  • Eat a balanced diet and routine meals
  • Stay hydrated
  • Make time for regular exercise (like a walk or bike ride, nothing too strenuous)
  • Maintain a good sleep routine (aim for 8-9 hours a night)

Prepare Mentally:

  • Create a study space that is free from distraction. This space should be solely used for study, so that you can get into (and get out of) the zone
  • Know your preferred learning style (are you a visual or audio learner?) and study accordingly
  • Give yourself enough time to study (Everyone is different so do what is best for you: X weeks before exams; X days per week; X hours per day)
  • Create a study routine, and stick to it
  • Take sufficient study breaks and know your study limits. Don’t force yourself to study beyond your daily limits, because this it will only make you frustrated and disrupt your ability to absorb information
  • Give yourself mock exams to test your knowledge, so you can focus on the any troublesome areas
  • Ask for help if and when you need it

Prepare Emotionally:

  • Acknowledge your study achievements
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself if some things just won’t stick
  • Focus on the present. Recognise negative and/or panicked thoughts of the future, but bring yourself back to the present with breathing exercises
  • Regularly practice mindful and meditative exercises
  • Talk about your feelings. Verbalising anxious and fearsome thoughts can help you overcome them

Preparation is key. The sooner you prepare the better, so, what are you waiting for?

Good luck!