You CAN learn to like yourself…

Do you have low self-esteem or struggle with self-worth?

What you think about yourself can impact on so many areas of your life, like health, work and relationships, so it is important to try and build a positive self-opinion, so that the impacts are positive, and not negative.

You can learn to like (even love!) yourself. Want to know how? It all revolves around your self-speak. If you’re ready to invest in yourself, just follow these small daily rituals of changing your self-speak:

  • When you look in the mirror smile at yourself as if you were seeing a good friend.
  • Before you go to sleep, in your mind, list three good qualities about yourself.
    • Struggle to do this? List as many as you can, and work your way up to three.
    • Is three too easy? List as many as you can!
  • Before you go to sleep, list three things you did well today.
  • When you wake up in the morning think of one thing you’d like to achieve that day (it can be as small as drinking more water).
  • Get to know yourself better. Sit down and spend 5 mins thinking about what your favourite things are; hobbies, colour, food, movie, music, etc.
  • Spend 1 hour every week doing something you really enjoy.
  • Rather than awkwardly deny any compliments you receive, accept and acknowledge them.
  • Take notice of your self speak. Quickly correct any negative thoughts or criticism to positive or constructive ones.
  • Cut yourself some slack. Don’t be hard on yourself if you do or say something wrong or silly. We all do! We’re human.

The voice you hear the most is your own, so make the words that you say to yourself kind. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make. After a while, you will learn to believe in yourself again.